Are you ready for a career in web3 marketing?


The metaverse is creating a plethora of opportunities for marketers. Are you ready to join the coup? This article tells you what web3 marketing is and how you can become one of the early movers to be the winner of tomorrow. 

The lucrative metaverse market

Although having existed long before, the idea of metaverse was popularized as Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021. The rebranding showed the company’s determination to reposition itself as a leader in the up-and-coming metaverse market. It’s understandable. According to Verified Market Research, the metaverse market size was valued at USD 27.21 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 824.53 billion by 2030. But what exactly is metaverse and how it relates to web3?

What is metaverse? What is web3? Are they the same? 

Metaverse is an immersive interactive experience space that relies on VR, AR and MR to enable real-time interaction between users through avatars. More notable metaverse platforms include Decentraland, Roblox, Sandbox, etc. The virtual economy behind these metaverse is built upon crypto currencies and NFTs.

Web3 is understood as a decentralized version of the internet. The first generation of internet, web1, is basically static and read-only. The second generation, web2, allows people to both ‘read’, ‘write’ and ‘share’. The data created by users, however, is owned and manipulated by the tech companies. As in web3, users are not only capable of doing what people do in web2, but they also own the data they created through blockchain technologies. 

Although metaverse and web3 are fundamentally different concepts, they overlapped in the way people owned and participated in the virtual world. By calling it web3 marketing instead of metaverse marketing, it also entails a renewed approach to marketing that focuses on data privacy, unique user experience, personalized marketing communications that could live well across metaverse platforms or beyond the metaverse. 


Why should you consider a career in web3 marketing? 


  • Talent shortage in web3 marketing

Traditional marketing is getting saturated, web3/ metaverse industry is just on the rise. As recruitment professional, we are seeing many job openings in web3 marketing waiting to be filled. 


  • Potentially better package

As web3 marketing is relatively new, it is impractical for companies to rely on old salary structure or industry references. Companies are more willing to offer better salary, job title and other benefits to lure candidates in. 


  • Freedom to explore 

Since brands are nascent with web3 marketing, you will get a lot of freedom to experiment your strategies and practice your gigs.


  • Alternative to traditional marketing paths

Many traditional marketers could only choose to work in either agencies or client-side, but the rise of web3 agencies provides a very different career path, often with a more innovative company culture. As the industry is developing at a lightning speed, such move would possibly open many other doors for you in the future.


How to join web3 marketing if you have little experience? 


  • Participate in industry events/ clubs

There are many industry events or NFT clubs that attract key players in the field to join, e.g.Token 2049, Fintech week. You can soak up more recent developments about the field and get to know people in the circle. 


  • Research and explore

Some metaverse platforms organize testing events to gather community feedbacks on their new game features. A notable one is the Sandbox Alpha Season. Participating in these events will give you insights on how marketing could be done in a web3 environment. 


  • Build your portfolio

It doesn’t have to be a full, elaborative portfolio in the metaverse but highlighting ANY experiences in Metaverse or NFT would be a great way to impress your potential employer.


  • Talk to recruiters specialized in web3 

Not all recruiters are equal. Look for those consultants that specialize in web3-related roles and ask them for insights. 

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